for Monday April 4th

Here are some pictures from April 1st and 3rd on J St. Instead of displaying these people in public, why not help them and let them smoke if they must in private?

Older man smoking on J St with his IV cart, partially in hospital gown.
Same man pushing his IV cart along J St. and very close to our home. There is a double problem with this. According to information received at the last public meeting, patients are subject to immediate discharge if they leave the hospital grounds- a Catch 22.
Joanie and I have a personal interest in this situation as we do not want Mercy's second hand smoke in our home. These people are their patients, employees, and visitors. Mercy made a rule change which caused the problem. They should realize they are the 800lb gorilla.

Four smokers from last Friday.
This week I will have my own brief smoking survey of the other hospitals in the area.
I will also have a solution that should satisfy most people.

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