for Monday May 23rd

The week starts. After not seeing too many trucks last week, they were out in force this morning. Our bedroom window is right behind the green trees. The trucks and carts and lift gates are noisy and can be clearly heard from inside our home.
The shredded truck (white truck) is back too. I have seen it in back of Mercy in two different locations doing its grinding. Both spot were empty this morning. Why is it back on the street again?
Two of the drivers having a heated discussion. I could hear the words. I imagine it was about who parks where.

This the traffic diverter. (The small island on the right). Mercy said "After all we did for Jim and Joan". She is right it does help us with traffic. But it cost a lot for us in attorney's fees to get it down. Mercy needs this traffic help many more times a day than we do.

The U.S. Food Service truck.
Tomorrow night there is a neighborhood meeting at 5:30 at Mercy's basement meeting room. It usually ends at 6:30pm promptly.

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